Assessing the Influence of Equine-Assisted Services on the Biopsychosocial Well-Being of Trauma Victims and their Equine Partners | Funded Projects | Grants & Funding | HABRI

Assessing the Influence of Equine-Assisted Services on the Biopsychosocial Well-Being of Trauma Victims and their Equine Partners

Principal Investigator

Kimberly Cole (The Ohio State University)


The National Behavioral Council of Health estimates that 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced a physiological or psychological trauma at least once in their lives, often resulting in a decrease in their quality of life. Studies have shown that participation in EAS can lead to a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety in a variety of populations. However, many of these studies lack support for the positive outcomes noted in the participants. Therefore, there is a need for evidence-based research to support EAS for trauma victims.


This study will inves􀆟gate the influence of equine-assisted services (EAS) on biological and psychological responses of individuals who have experienced trauma as well as their equine facilitators.


The development of a human-animal bond through participation in a series of four weekly EAS sessions will positively influence physiological, psychological, and behavioral responses among both human and equine participants.


In this study, par􀆟cipants between 18-55 years of age will attend four weekly, 30-minute sessions during which they will interact with the same horse.

Expected Results

It is expected that with each consecu􀆟ve session, both the human and horse will develop a stronger rela􀆟onship, as evaluated by oxytocin and psychological measurements, poten􀆟ally leading to forma􀆟on of a human-animal bond. With forma􀆟on of a bond, researchers an􀆟cipate increased posi􀆟ve outcomes including decreased anxiety, decreased symptoms of PTSD, increased perceived social support, and reduced physiological indicators of stress in humans, in addi􀆟on to increased acceptance, decreased avoidance, decreased stress behavior, and reduced physiological indicators of stress in horses.

Results of this study will provide new evidence of the influence of animal-assisted interven􀆟ons (AAI) and provide a greater understanding of the bond-forma􀆟on ability of human-horse dyads. Addi􀆟onally, this study will provide a better understanding of the impact of EAS on the equine par􀆟cipants.