Mental Health Month: How Pets Empower Us to Look Around & Look Within
The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) joins our partners at Mental Health America (MHA) in recognizing May as Mental Health Month. Together, we celebrate the role of pets in positively influencing our mental health.
This year’s Mental Health Month theme is Look Around, Look Within, which reminds us that where we are born, live, learn, play, work, and congregate all influence our health, and that we all benefit from stable environments and strong communities. For nearly 70% of U.S. households pets are part of the family and have a significant influence on our mental health. Eighty-Seven percent of pet owners have experienced mental health improvements resulting from pet ownership, and research has shown the benefits for the long-term management of mental health conditions.
HABRI is proud to champion research on the vital role of the human-animal bond in the health and well-being of people, pets, and the communities where we live. In light of this year’s theme, we’ve compiled research and information that illustrates how pets can empower better mental health.
Look Around: Pets and Community Well-Being
Our surroundings say a lot about our mental health. A strong sense...