New Research to Examine the Healing Influence of Pets for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors | Press Room | HABRI

New Research to Examine the Healing Influence of Pets for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors

Human Animal Bond Research Institute Awards Grant to Thompson Rivers University

Washington, D.C. (November 29, 2022) — The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) today announced funding for a new research project at Thompson Rivers University that will explore the role of companion animals (pets) within incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV), including how pets can contribute to the wellbeing of IPV survivors.

“Despite a well-established link between IPV and animal abuse, little research has examined the specific impact of pets on IPV,” explained Dr. Rochelle Stevenson, lead investigator for the study. With co-investigators Dr. Allison Gray (Western University) and Dr. Patti Timmons Fritz (University of Windsor), Stevenson offered that “our research will document that pets are victims in their own right as well as important partners in the healing journey of human survivors.”

This multi-method study will use data from the 2018 Statistics Canada administered Survey on Safety in Public and Private Spaces (SSPPS), a nationally representative sample of Canadian adults, to understand how the experience of animal abuse, which often co-occurs with IPV, relates to survivors’ health and wellbeing. The analysis of this data will be paired with interviews with survivors to explore how companion animals influence help-seeking and healing from violence.

Existing data shows that the majority of IPV survivors report pet abuse or the threat of pet abuse. Despite this, only a small percentage of domestic violence shelters offer on-site pet services. Without the ability to leave with their pets, as many as half of these survivors will delay leaving violent situations, putting themselves—and their pets—at further risk.

“Our goal is to use these findings to encourage more domestic violence shelters and services to embrace pet-friendly measures that will allow survivors of IPV and their pets to heal together,” added Stevenson.

“HABRI is proud to fund research with real-world impact,” said Steven Feldman, President of HABRI. “This project will provide new, timely data in support of the human-animal bond and the need to provide better care for survivors of IPV and their pets.”


HABRI is a not-for-profit organization that maintains the world’s largest online library of human-animal bond research and information; funds innovative research projects to scientifically document the health benefits of companion animals; and informs the public about human-animal bond research and the beneficial role of companion animals in society. For more information, please visit


Logan Trautman



Press Releases
Nominations Open for Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) announced today at Global Pet Expo that the public is now invited to submit nominations for the Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards, a program designed to recognize individuals, companies and organizations beyond pet care that are advancing the human-animal bond and creating a more pet-friendly society. “HABRI is inspired by so many dedicated individuals, companies and organizations that are honoring the human-animal bond,” said Steven Feldman, president of HABRI. “Although there are amazing pet care innovations on display here at Global Pet Expo, we are specifically looking for nominations from outside of the pet space. Innovations that connect pets and people can come from all corners of society.” “PetSmart Charities is proud to be the Presenting Sponsor for the Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards,” said Aimee Gilbreath, president of PetSmart Charities. “These awards help highlight and share innovations that benefit people and pets everywhere, and we look forward to celebrating those that are doing wonderful work to advance the human-animal bond.” The submission deadline for award nominations is May 20, 2024. To submit a nomination, please visit Nominations can be submitted in four award categories: Pet-Inclusive Culture: Recognizes companies, organizations, or institutions creating a pet inclusive culture within communities, groups and/or workplaces. Public Service: Recognizes organizations with impactful programs to protect and strengthen the human-animal bond in their communities. Pet-Inclusive Infrastructure: Recognizes companies, organizations, or institutions purposefully developing technology, transportation, architecture, policies or environments to safeguard and strengthen the human-animal bond. Media: Recognizes an individual, media outlet or creative content that positively educates people about and illuminates key aspects of the human-animal bond. Nominations...

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