With Announcement of 2017 Research Grants, Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) Hits $2 Million Level for Research Support | Press Room | HABRI

With Announcement of 2017 Research Grants, Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) Hits $2 Million Level for Research Support

Washington, D.C. (December 6, 2017) — The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) today announced funding for four new research grants focused on the effects of human-animal interaction on human health, including social skills outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder; the physical and developmental health of children living with family pets; and the mental health and well-being of seniors living alone. These four grant projects raise HABRI’s total research funding to more than $2 million.

“The companies and organizations that make HABRI’s research program possible deserve the credit for hitting the $2 million dollar milestone,” said Bob Vetere, HABRI President and Chair of the Board of Trustees. “With their support, HABRI is building a strong pipeline of high-quality research projects that are showing how pet ownership is essential for human health and wellness.”

Since HABRI’s founding in 2010, HABRI has funded 21 competitive research projects from institutions across the globe, and has supported the creation of the world’s most comprehensive online library of human-animal interaction research, bringing its research funding to more than $2 million.

In 2017, HABRI awarded a total of approximately $200,000 to the following four research projects, identified by the expert HABRI Scientific Advisory Board out of a total of 48 proposals received:

“These projects are exciting, including HABRI’s first two cat studies, and we look forward to seeing the results,” added Vetere. “Each year, HABRI receives an increasing number of research proposals, which is why we need even more support from within and outside the pet care community. Together, we will deliver the scientific research needed to strengthen the role of pets in the lives of children, families and the communities where they live.”


The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) maintains the world’s largest online library of human-animal bond research and information; funds innovative research projects to scientifically document the health benefits of companion animals; and informs the public about human-animal bond research and the beneficial role of companion animals in society. For more information about HABRI, visit www.habri.org.


Jamie Baxter




Press Releases
New Research to Analyze Therapy Dog Behavior to Improve Welfare for Animal-Assisted Interventions

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) and Pet Partners today announced a new grant for research that seeks to understand how individual differences in dogs predict their interest in participating in different types of animal-assisted interventions (AAI). This grant was awarded to Principal Investigator Dr. Sasha Protopopova, Associate Professor in the Animal Welfare Program at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and co-Investigator Dr. Camila Cavalli, Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s Animal Welfare Program. This project will examine how individual differences influence the willingness of therapy dogs to take part in different types of human-animal interactions with a focus on enhancing animal welfare. This knowledge could lead to the development of guidelines for selecting therapy dogs based on their genuine interest in participation rather than just tolerance, thereby improving dog welfare and leading to more effective therapeutic outcomes. “Pet Partners is dedicated to advancing high standards in the field of animal-assisted interventions,” said C. Annie Peters, president & CEO, Pet Partners. “We are proud to be supporting this work with HABRI, which will help to advance our understanding of therapy dog welfare, helping to ensure only the most suitable animals are involved in these therapeutic interventions.” “Therapy dogs often do not have the ability to express their preferences within an AAI session, which could potentially lead to stress or reduce the effectiveness of their work,” said Dr. Sasha Protopopova, the Principal Investigator of this project. “We aim to improve the welfare of therapy dogs by understanding their preferences and interests during AAI.” Researchers will enroll 25 therapy dogs and 25 pet dogs, matched by breed and age. Dog owners will complete two dog behavior questionnaires, and each dog will attend two mock AAI sessions at the University of British Columbia’s Human Animal Interaction Lab, where their behavior...

Press Releases
New Research Looks at Impact of Service Dogs on Medication Regimens for Veterans with PTSD

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) announced today the online publication of a study titled, “The Effect of a PTSD Service Dog on Military Veterans’ Medication Regimens: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study”, in the journal Anthrozoos. Findings of the study, conducted by researchers at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Purdue University College of Pharmacy, found no significant differences between post-9/11 U.S. veterans living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who were provided with a psychiatric service dog and veterans on a waitlist to receive a service dog in terms of number and type of medications reported. However, veterans with a service dog were more likely to report that their doctor had decreased dosage or removed medications, as compared to veterans on the waitlist to acquire a service dog. “Our previous research has found that PTSD service dogs can improve specific areas of functioning and symptomology for military veterans. This new research builds on these findings by exploring how PTSD service dogs impact veterans’ medication use,” said study co-author Dr. Kerri Rodriguez, Postdoctoral Researcher at Colorado State University. “These results indicate that PTSD service dogs played a positive supporting role. Veterans kept up with their medication regimens, indicating that the presence of the service dog was not associated with any lapse in standard treatment. While having a PTSD service dog may not completely alleviate veterans’ needs for sleep, pain, or anxiety medications, there were reported decreases in dosage levels, shedding additional light on the potential value of these service dogs as a complimentary intervention.” The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of PTSD service dogs on medication use among a population of military veterans with PTSD. Fifty-two veterans living with a PTSD service dog and 44 veterans on a waitlist to receive a service dog were recruited from a database...