The Pet Giving Network: Making it Easier for the Pet Care Community to Respond to Disasters | Blog | HABRI

During natural disasters, when many turn to their pets for comfort and support, it is also important to recognize that pets are themselves incredibly vulnerable. Resources allocated to helping pets threatened by disasters are often scarce. When pets are in danger so are their owners, which is why it is so important for the pet care community to be organized and ready to provide help.

The Pet Giving Network is made possible through a partnership with the Greater Good Charities, and has made a real difference in times of crisis. In 2017, dozens of pet care companies rallied together to provide food, supplies and medicine to rescue organizations, evacuation facilities and pet owners in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. This immense effort demonstrated the pet care community’s ability to unite and work together on important issues that affect the health and well-being of companion animals, people and communities.

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) is honored to take on the task of managing the Pet Giving Network. We are especially grateful for the World Pet Association (WPA), American Pet Products Association (APPA) and the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) and their members for a strong and longstanding commitment to supporting this important initiative. We are especially thankful to Julia Fidenzio-Alicea, APPA Vice President of Government Affairs & General Counsel, for putting in the hard work to make the Pet Giving Network a vital resource to connect the pet care community with communities in need.

Let us take this moment to pledge to help pets and their owners when wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters strike.

You can sign up now to receive alerts from the Pet Giving Network, which will send out specific lists of needed supplies. Your commitment and advance preparation will enable a fast and effective way to mobilize the pet care community in times of disaster. Together, we can make the Pet Giving Network into an even more powerful force and save the lives of many pets. Please visit to sign up today!