Royal Canin and HABRI Partner to Highlight the Importance of Cat Urinary Health and the Human-Animal Bond | Press Room | HABRI

Royal Canin and HABRI Partner to Highlight the Importance of Cat Urinary Health and the Human-Animal Bond

Royal Canin and HABRI Partner to Highlight the Importance of Cat Urinary Health and the Human-Animal Bond

Washington, D.C. (August 15, 2022) — The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) and Royal Canin have teamed up to protect the human-cat bond by delivering important information to cat owners about their cats’ urinary health.

“Research shows that house soiling is the #1 reason that cats are relinquished to a shelter[1], yet many cats presenting to veterinary clinics with lower urinary signs are diagnosed with a medical condition,” said Dr. Angela Hughes DVM PhD, Scientific Communications Veterinarian for Royal Canin. “Royal Canin is focused on improving cat health and welfare by educating current and future cat owners about the importance of cats’ urinary health.”

Studies show that 60% of cat owners say they only take their cat to the veterinarian when they notice something is wrong[2], but cats are notorious for hiding pain, making it difficult for owners to recognize a health issue. For example, over 90% of cats with feline lower urinary tract signs have blood in their urine indicating a medical condition, but less than half of owners recognize the signs[3].  Instead, these signs may be misinterpreted as a behavioral issue, negatively impacting the human-cat bond.

“Helping cat owners stay curious and informed about their cat’s health, even when it comes to litter box behavior, leads to healthier, happier lives together,” said Steven Feldman, President of HABRI. “Our cats do so much for us, which is why we need to do more for them.”

Research shows that cats can serve as a source of social and emotional support for their owners and can help reduce stress, support older adults as they age and improve heart rate and blood pressure. HABRI and Royal Canin are working to strengthen the human-animal bond and improve the veterinary care that cats receive by spotlighting the science of the human-animal bond and important information about cat health.

HABRI and Royal Canin have partnered together to create educational content, including an article, shareable infographic, a series of social media posts and a dedicated landing page all intended to provide cat owners with resources on cat care, the human-cat bond and more.

“Working with HABRI, our goal at Royal Canin is to educate cat owners about the benefits of the human-animal bond and provide meaningful solutions to improve cat health and care,” added Dr. Angela Hughes.

[1] Salman MD, Hutchison J, Ruch-gallie R, Kogan L, Kass PH, Scarlett JM. Behavioral Reasons for Relinquishment of Dogs and Cats to 12 Shelters. J Appl Anim Welf Sci. 2000; 3(2):93-106.

2 2020 72 Point Survey Results

3 Dorsch R, Remer C, Sauter-Louis C, Hartmann K. Feline lower urinary tract disease in a German cat population. A retrospective analysis of demographic data, causes and clinical signs. Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2014;42(4):231-239.

About Royal Canin

Royal Canin USA is a leader in science-based cat and dog health nutrition. Founded by a veterinarian in 1968, Royal Canin has more than 50 years of experience in delivering individualized nutritional solutions. In collaboration with an expert team of nutritionists, breeders and veterinarians from around the world, Royal Canin places cats and dogs at the central point of the innovation process. The Royal Canin product line offers a range of diets based on size, age, breed, lifestyle and therapeutic requirements. Royal Canin diets are available at veterinary hospitals and pet specialty stores nationwide. Royal Canin is a subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated.


The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) is a not-for-profit organization that maintains the world’s largest online library of human-animal bond research and information; funds innovative research projects to scientifically document the health benefits of companion animals; and informs the public about human-animal bond research and the beneficial role of companion animals in society. For more information about HABRI, please visit


Logan Trautman


Hayley Maynard



Press Releases
New National Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards Program Launched to Recognize Pet-Friendly Products and Programs

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) announced today it has launched the Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards, a new awards program to recognize companies and organizations that are implementing innovative products and practices designed to advance the human-animal bond and create a more pet-friendly society. “We know that there are companies and organizations throughout the country developing products and implementing practices that bring pets and people together in innovative ways,” said Steven Feldman, president of HABRI. “The Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards aim to not only celebrate these trailblazing organizations but also position them as models for others seeking to honor the human-animal bond.” “PetSmart Charities is excited to be the inaugural Presenting Sponsor for the Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards,” said Aimee Gilbreath, President of PetSmart Charities. “We want to shine a spotlight on all of the new and exciting ways to make the world a better place for pets and all who love them.” Nominees can be submitted in two different award categories: Products and Services: Recognizes companies or organizations creating products or services to enhance or strengthen the human-animal bond. Workplace Culture: Recognizes companies or organizations striving to create a pet-friendly workplace culture. “The award guidelines are written to encourage organizations and companies of all kinds to share how they support the human-animal bond,” said Feldman. “We know that innovations go beyond having pets in the workplace, and we can’t wait to learn about how leaders across industries are supporting the mutually-beneficial connection between people and pets.” Nominations are open to the public and can be submitted online at Award winners will be selected at the discretion of an expert committee of pet care community leaders assembled by HABRI. The deadline for submission is July 8, 2022. Winners...

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New Research to Support Unhoused Youth with Pets

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Press Releases
Crum & Forster Pet Insurance Group™ Supports Human-Animal Bond Research

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