Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act Funding Now Available: Aid for Survivors of Domestic Violence and their Pets Arrives at Critical Time | Press Room | HABRI

Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act Funding Now Available: Aid for Survivors of Domestic Violence and their Pets Arrives at Critical Time

PAWS Act Coalition alerts domestic violence shelters of availability of $2 million in Federal grants to increase pet-friendly options for survivors of domestic violence

Washington, D.C. (April 16, 2020) — The PAWS Act Coalition, a group of nonprofit and for-profit organizations, is working to raise awareness among the domestic violence shelter community of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program. This program will support shelter and transitional housing services for survivors of domestic violence and their companion animals, which was made possible by the passage of the Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act by Congress in 2018.

“The PAWS Act funding and new grants mark an important milestone in keeping more pets and their families together,” said Nina Leigh Krueger, president of Nestlé Purina PetCare. “Purina is committed to continuing to work alongside our partners to increase the number of pet-friendly domestic violence shelters so families and their pets can safely leave an abusive situation and heal together.”

“With incidents of domestic violence increasing as a result of coronavirus stay-at-home orders, the need for pet-friendly sheltering will also grow, and this funding could not have come at a better time,” said Steven Feldman, Executive Director of the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI). “HABRI is proud to have participated in this two-plus year effort to support the successful implementation of the lifesaving PAWS Act. The PAWS Act Coalition and many in the greater pet care community have worked hard to make this grant program a reality.”

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) will provide up to five grants of $400,000 each, to begin on October 1, 2020. The primary goal of this funding is to support shelter and transitional housing services for survivors of domestic violence and their companion animals. With these grants, the DOJ seeks to increase the number of shelter beds and transitional housing options to meet the needs of domestic violence survivors who need shelter or housing for them and their companion animals. Funding provided by this grant will also provide training to local stakeholders on the link between domestic violence and the abuse and neglect of companion animals; the needs of domestic violence survivors; best practices for providing, or referring, support services to such survivors; and best practices in designing and delivering services that protect survivors confidentiality.

The U.S. Department of Justice, through the Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), will accept applications for this grant program through May 29, 2020. The PAWS Act Coalition will work to share this funding opportunity as widely as possible so that worthy organizations are informed and can apply.

To apply for funding, please visit:

Organizations in the PAWS Act coalition include:

  • Purina (Nestlé Purina PetCare)
  • Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
  • Noah’s Animal House
  • Pet Partners
  • Urban Resource Institute (URI)
  • RedRover

Two of these organizations, Noah’s Animal House and Urban Resource Institute, are part of the only 10% of domestic violence shelters across the country that actively offer co-shelter services to keep both pets and their owners away from the dangers of domestic abuse. Together these two incredible organizations have saved more than 1,800 pets from abusive conditions, so that no domestic violence survivor is forced to choose between staying in an abusive relationship and leaving their pet with their abuser.

“Our People and Animals Living Safely (PALS) program and its increasing utilization across seven domestic violence shelters in New York City is a proof point that pet-friendly shelter is an important avenue of escape for people and pets facing abuse, channeling the healing power of the human-pet bond during times of crisis and transition,” said Nathaniel Fields, President and CEO of Urban Resource Institute. “This critical funding provided by the PAWS Act will provide more facilities with the resources to offer individuals and their beloved pets shelter together, with the opportunity to live the safest, fullest lives possible.”

“By being forced to stay at home during this pandemic, we are all experiencing firsthand the love and reassurance that our pets provide during crisis. Since 2007, Noah’s Animal House has cared for over 1,500 pets of domestic violence victims from 29 states across the U.S, in addition to our home state of Nevada. Women drove thousands of miles, driving past other women’s shelters in every state for one reason only – their pet had to be included in their escape plan,” stated Staci Alonso, founder of Noah’s and Top Ten CNN Hero 2019. “With the PAWS Act funding now available, more women’s shelters can become pet friendly and save lives.”

“In support of the PAWS Act Coalition, Pet Partners grassroots advocates made their voices heard during every step of the legislative process – recruiting key co-sponsors in the Senate, supporting passage of the PAWS Act, and building support in communities across the country. Many thousands of constituent messages, tweets, and phone calls to Congress were made emphasizing the importance of this legislation. Pet Partners is grateful to so many advocates around the country whose actions will help pets and people remain together in traumatic situations – when they need each other most,” said Annie Peters, CEO of Pet Partners.

“RedRover works to strengthen and preserve the human-animal bond by providing financial assistance, resources and support to low-income individuals and survivors of domestic violence and their pets, so families can escape together and stay together,” said Nicole Forsyth, RedRover President and CEO. “As we’ve seen through the RedRover + Purina Purple Leash Project, grants to domestic violence shelters help fulfill a lifesaving need of keeping pets and people together, and this PAWS Act funding will help build on our efforts and expand the options available for domestic violence survivors with pets.”

About Purina

Nestlé Purina PetCare promotes responsible pet care, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. A premiere global manufacturer of pet products, Nestlé Purina PetCare is part of Nestlé S.A., a global leader in nutrition, health and wellness. Learn more about the Purina and RedRover partnership and Purple Leash Project grants at

About Pet Partners

Pet Partners is the national leader in demonstrating and promoting the health and wellness benefits of animal-assisted interventions. Since the organization’s inception in 1977, the science proving these benefits has become indisputable. With more than 13,000 registered teams making more than 3 million visits annually, Pet Partners serves as the nation’s most prestigious nonprofit registering handlers of multiple species as volunteer teams. Pet Partners teams visit with patients in recovery, people with intellectual disabilities, seniors living with Alzheimer’s, students, veterans with PTSD, and those approaching end of life, improving human health and wellbeing through the human-animal bond. With the recent release of its Standards of Practice for Animal-Assisted Interventions and international expansion, Pet Partners is globally recognized as the industry gold standard. For more information on Pet Partners, visit

About Urban Resource Institute 

Urban Resource Institute (URI) is a leading non-profit organization that provides comprehensive, holistic, and supportive social services that aid and empower New Yorkers in times of crisis. URI’s programs provide care for survivors of domestic violence, individuals with developmental disabilities, homeless families, and other at-risk populations, allowing them to live in safety and recover from trauma in both residential and non-residential settings. With deep community relationships and a flexible, innovative approach to program development and service delivery, URI is uniquely equipped to provide solutions to the challenges affecting New York City’s most vulnerable populations. URI merged with the Center Against Domestic Violence in 2018, the first licensed provider of domestic violence shelter in New York. With nearly 80 years of combined experience, the organization is the largest provider of domestic violence residential services in the country, with the ability to shelter over 1,200 individuals, including survivors and their families, on any given day. For more information, please visit

About Noah’s Animal House

Noah’s Animal House was the first stand-alone full service pet boarding facility in the country built on the grounds of and in partnership with The Shade Tree Shelter in 2007 to provide safety, shelter and support for the pets of the clients of the shelter. A second location serving up to 36 animals in Reno, Nevada opened February 2018 in partnership with the Domestic Violence Resource Center. In a national survey, 71 percent of women seeking safety in a domestic violence shelter reported pet abuse in their home and more than 25 percent delayed leaving because they did not have an escape plan that could include their pets. To learn more about Noah’s Animal House, visit

About RedRover

Since 1987, RedRover has focused on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. For the fifth consecutive year, RedRover has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. To learn more, visit

About HABRI 

HABRI is a not-for-profit organization that maintains the world’s largest online library of human-animal bond research and information; funds innovative research projects to scientifically document the health benefits of companion animals; and informs the public about human-animal bond research and the beneficial role of companion animals in society. For more information, please visit


Jamie Baxter



Press Releases
New Research to Examine Impact of Youth-Cat Training Program on Child and Cat Wellbeing

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) today announced a new grant for research to evaluate the impact of a youth-cat training program on youth thriving and cat wellbeing. This grant was awarded to a team of researchers at Oregon State University including Dr. Kristen Davis Moore, 4-H Program Coordinator, Professor Monique Udell, associate professor and Director of the Human-Animal Interaction Laboratory, and Dr. Saethra Darling, Postdoctoral Scholar. In this study, youth and their family cat will take part in a 12-session youth-cat training program that is focused on positive youth development with active learning activities and fear-free cat handling and care. The goal of this project is to evaluate a multidisciplinary, whole-child approach to fostering a partnership between young people and their family cats that promotes both youth and cat well-being. “Cats are the second most commonly owned pet in America, but we find that they are often misunderstood and still heavily underrepresented in animal behavior and human-animal bond research compared to dogs,” said Dr. Kristen Moore, the project’s Principal Investigator. “Our research will raise awareness of new opportunities for young people to bond with their pet cats and promote more animal-assisted activities in local communities.” The study design involves 30 children between the ages of 8 and 13 years and their pet cats, who will be recruited through schools and community programs in Oregon to participate in this youth-cat training program. Researchers will employ a pseudo-randomized control model with an experimental group and a control group of children on a waitlist to participate in the training program. The youth-cat training program will be focused on positive youth development with opportunities for learning about cat health, care, and individual preferences. All cat training methods will be fear free and positive reinforcement based. To encourage further community engagement, additional...

Press Releases
Dave’s Pet Food Supports HABRI

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) announced today that Dave’s Pet Food, a leader in high-quality and affordable nutritious food for dogs and cats, has become an official supporter of HABRI and its research on the human health benefits of companion animals. “In addition to our mission at Dave’s Pet Food to provide pet owners with the food they need to keep their pets health and happy, we’re proud to be supporting HABRI’s efforts to fund scientific research on the health benefits of pets,” said Dave Ratner, Founder of Dave’s Pet Food. “The need to provide pets with healthy, high-quality food is an essential part of strengthening the human-animal bond.” “Supporting HABRI helps to raise awareness of the health benefits of the human-animal bond, which we know motivates pet owners to take better care of their pets,” said Steven Feldman, Executive Director of HABRI. “HABRI is grateful for the support from Dave and Dave’s Pet Food and looks forward to working together to help pet owners take the best possible care of their pets.” Increasingly, scientific evidence reports that pets can boost heart health, alleviate depression, improve well-being, support child health and development, and contribute to healthy aging. Additionally, companion animals can assist in the treatment of a broad range of conditions—from post-traumatic stress to Alzheimer’s disease to autism spectrum disorder. The benefits of the human-animal bond impact more than just human health. HABRI survey research demonstrates that understanding the scientific research behind the human-animal bond motivates pet owners to take better care of their pets, including providing pets with high-quality nutrition and maintaining their veterinary health. About Dave’s Pet Food Dave’s Pet Food combines nutritious, yummy, high-quality pet food for owners looking for healthy options for their cats and dogs—at an affordable price. Dave’s formulas were developed to be wholesome...

Press Releases
New Research to Study Effects of Service Dogs on Post 9-11 War Veterans with PTSD

The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) Foundation today announced it has awarded a $42,000 grant to Purdue University to lead a first-of-its-kind, controlled scientific study to measure the effects of service dogs on post 9-11 war veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Participants in the K9s For Warriors program, a nonprofit organization pairing war veterans with service dogs, will take part in the study. “While numerous studies have confirmed that companion animals help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has cited a lack of specific scientific evidence on the effectiveness of service animals for war veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI,” said HABRI Executive Director Steven Feldman. “We are committed to addressing this gap in peer-reviewed science so that every veteran who needs a service animal can get one.” PTSD is a prevalent and debilitating disorder that, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, affects nearly 20 percent of post 9-11 war veterans. Typically triggered by intense events and situations, symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts. To explore the effect of service dogs on war veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI, the Purdue-led study will monitor the health and wellness of the K9s For Warriors participants including medical, physiological, and self-perception indicators. It is hypothesized that the veterans who have service dogs will demonstrate better health and wellness compared to those receiving other treatment services while on the waitlist for a service dog. “While there are existing PTSD treatments available for veterans, a number of them have limited effectiveness and high drop-out rates,” said Marguerite O’Haire, PhD, Purdue University. “This controlled research study will document the impact of service dogs on veterans, which may provide an effective addition...