Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards 2024 | HABRI

Human Animal Bond
Innovation Awards

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) is proud to present the Human Animal Bond Innovation Awards, which recognize individuals, companies and organizations doing innovative work designed to advance the human-animal bond and create a more pet-friendly society.

The 2024 nomination period is now closed.

Recipients will be announced at an awards ceremony held on August 13th at SuperZoo Las Vegas.

Presenting Sponsor

Pet-inclusive Culture Sponsor

Public Service Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor

Award winners are selected at the discretion of an expert committee of pet care community leaders. Winners are honored at an awards ceremony held on August 13th in conjunction with the annual SuperZoo show in Las Vegas.

Nomination Categories

Pet-inclusive Culture

Recognizes companies, organizations, or institutions creating a pet inclusive culture within communities, groups and/or workplaces.

Public Service

Recognizes organizations with impactful programs to protect and strengthen the human-animal bond in their communities.

Pet-inclusive Infrastructure

Recognizes companies, organizations, or institutions purposefully developing technology, transportation, architecture, policies or environments to safeguard and strengthen the human-animal bond.


Recognizes an individual, media outlet or creative multi-media content that positively educates people about and illuminates key aspects of the human-animal bond.

Important Details

  • 2024 nominations were due and must have been submitted online by 11:59pm (Eastern Daylight Time) on May 20, 2024
  • Award recipients will be announced in-person at SuperZoo 2024 in Las Vegas, NV